it starts small

smart Martin
I wonder if Martin Luther thought about being quoted and subsequently having his smart saying hand-lettered and hung on a restaurant wall. Probably not. Still, I like thinking about the origins of the quotes I letter, when I work on them.
That is why I only letter uplifting, positive, or funny things. If you work on something negative for two weeks, it starts to get to you.

positive quotes
This way, I spent two weeks looking at my work, thinking of all the things that have been happening in Europe (and its borders) lately, and finding myself agreeing to the values Martin Luther talked about 500 (!) years ago.
Like the saying states: It starts small – with how you eat and drink, with what you say, and then how you treat others and yourself.

holistic thinking
A holistic world-view is the solution to many moral questions – for if you don’t care about where the food you eat comes from or how it was treated, how can you really claim to care for a pet, or another human being? I’m aware that may be extreme (or all too Buddhist) for some – and others may claim it to be nearly impossible to always be aware of what one consumes.
And yet: it starts small.
Being a conscious consumer is part of living an honest life. This quote sums that up quite nicely. Thanks, Prof. Luther.

Here’s a photo documentation of the lettering process.

practicing letterforms_the wordsmtih

practicing letterforms

more letterform practice_the wordsmith

more letterform practice

yet more practice_the wordsmith

yet more practice

layout issues_the wordsmith

layout issues

and some more layout issues_the wordsmith

and some more layout issues

pulling it together_the wordsmith

pulling it together

inking the layouted version_the wordsmith

inking the layouted version

yet again, more layout and letterform issues_the wordsmith

yet again, more layout and letterform issues… you’ve got to get it just right!

getting the layout onto the handmade paper_the wordsmith

getting the layout onto the handmade paper

staying in the lines_the wordsmith

staying in the lines

the result, close up_the wordsmith

the result, close up

the final result_the wordsmith

the final result